Tewasnya Mallaby
Dokumen: Surat Kabar “Kedaulatan Rakjat” dan “Soeara Rakjat”
Daftar :
Daftar :
- Kedaulatan Rakyat 30 Oktober 1945
- Soeara Rakjat 31 Oktober 1945
- Soeara Rakjat 1 November 1945
- Kedaulatan Rakjat 13 November 1945
- Kedaulatan Rakjat 14 November 1945
- Kedaulatan Rakjat 15 November 1945 Tuduhan Christison
- Kedaulatan Rakjat 15 November 1945 Tuduhan Inggris
- Kedaulatan Rakjat 19 November 1945
3. Soeara Rakjat 1 November 1945
Transkrip Soeara Rakjat 1 November 1945
3 Halaman
Translasi Soeara Rakjat 1 November 1945
2 Halaman
Cuplikan dokumen transkrip dan translasi
Transkrip Soeara Rakjat, 1 November 1945
Disekitar Pertempuran di Surabaya
Pengalaman Tn. Mohamad
Setelah mendapat perintah Presiden, bahwa perjanjian yang telah disetujui oleh kedua belah pihak itu harus dihargai dan dijunjung tinggi, maka berangkatlah beberapa orang pemimpin dan anggota-anggota Kontak Bureau [Biro] untuk meneruskan perintah ini kepada segenap rakyat yang sedang bertempur. Diantaranya terdapat juga Brigadier Mallaby sendiri serta tiga opsir Inggris lainnya. Mobil yang dikendarai rombongan tersebut diberi tanda bendera putih.
Di tempat-tempat yang masih ramai orang tembak-menembak, diantaranya juga dimuka gedung Internatio, diadakan sekedar penerangan. Kepada kedua belah pihak diperintahkan supaya tembakan-tembakan dihentikan. Rakyat mau meluluskan pasukan-pasukan Gurkha itu pergi dari gedung tersebut untuk menempati tempat-tempat yang sudah ditetapkan, asal saja jangan bersama-sama senjatanya. Hal ini harus diberitahukan kepada mereka dan untuk menyampaikannya diperlukan utusan yang harus masuk ke dalam gedung.
Mula-mula seorang opsir Inggris sendiri yang mau masuk, tetapi karena rakyat sudah beberapa kali merasa tertipu, dimintanya supaya salah seorang dari pada kita ikut. Akhirnya diputuskan bahwa Pak Mohamad, bekas Daidantyo Peta [Daidanco: Komandan Batalyon], yang mendapat kepercayaan rakyat sepenuhnya akan turut juga bersama-sama tuan Kundan sebagai juru bahasa. Dalam waktu sepuluh menit mereka harus kembali, kalau tidak rakyat akan menembak lagi.
Begitulah orang bertiga itu masuk. Setelah datang didalam dipersilahkan duduk, sedang opsir Inggrisnya hendak berunding sebentar, katanya. Sejak menginjak ambang pintu tuan Kundan sudah mulai curiga, lebih-lebih setelah lima menit opsir tadi belum kembali. Hal yang demikian itu dirasanya juga oleh Pak Mohamad dan beliau minta supaya tuan Kundan kembali lebih dahulu untuk melaporkan keadaan kepada Pak Dirman, Pak Doel, dsb yang menunggu diluar. Baru saja tuan Kundan (yang patut kita puji karena jasa-jasanya) melangkah beberapa meter, tiba-tiba dari dalam oleh opsir Inggris yang senantiasa berhubungan dengan radio telepon itu diperintah untuk mulai menembak. Hujan granat serta peluru mulai pula.
Translation of Soeara Rakjat, 1 November 1945
Around the Battle in Surabaya
The Experience of Mr. Mohamad
Having received the order of the President, the agreement that has been agreed by both parties should be respected and obeyed, then some leaders and members of the Contact Bureau depart to forward this command to all the people who were still fighting. Among them there were also Brigadier Mallaby himself and three other British officers. The car driven by the entourage is marked with a white flag.
In places where people were still shooting each other, as in front of the Internatio Building, they were given an explanation. Both sides were ordered to stop the shooting. The people would release the Gurkha troops from the building, to move to the places that have been set, with the condition not carrying their weapon. This should be informed to them and to deliver it required the messenger who must enter into the building.
At first, there was an English officer who wanted to go alone into the building, but because the people had been cheated for several times, they asked that one of our side should follow him. Finally it was decided that Mr. Mohamad, former Daidanco Peta [commander of battalion], gained the trust of the people, would enter the building with Mr. Kundan as interpreter. Within ten minutes they had to return, otherwise the people would shoot again.
Taken captive
That’s how the three of them entered. After going inside, we were asked to sit down, meanwhile the British officer said he wanted to negotiate for a while. Since stepping on the doorstep, Mr. Kundan had begun to suspect, especially after five minutes the British officer had not returned. This suspicious thing was also felt by Mr. Mohamad and he asked that Mr. Kundan return first to the situation to Mr. Dirman, Mr. Doel, etc that were waiting outside. Not long after Mr. Kundan (who deserves our praise for his services) stepped a few meters, suddenly from within by the British officer in constant contact with the radio communication was ordered to start shooting. The rain of grenades and bullets then began. The people who crowded outside was victimized, while Mr. Kundan got injured in his hands and feet.
Immediately, Mr. Mohamad felt that he was in a trap and would be used as a gijzelar [hostage]. Seen by him, that the guard who was in front of him received an order from the British officer to [……..unread] him, but he pretended not to understand. Indeed,