Tewasnya Mallaby
Dokumen: Surat Kabar “Kedaulatan Rakjat” dan “Soeara Rakjat”
Daftar :
Daftar :
- Kedaulatan Rakyat 30 Oktober 1945
- Soeara Rakjat 31 Oktober 1945
- Soeara Rakjat 1 November 1945
- Kedaulatan Rakjat 13 November 1945
- Kedaulatan Rakjat 14 November 1945
- Kedaulatan Rakjat 15 November 1945 Tuduhan Christison
- Kedaulatan Rakjat 15 November 1945 Tuduhan Inggris
- Kedaulatan Rakjat 19 November 1945
5. Kedaulatan Rakjat 14 November 1945
Halaman 4
Transkrip Kedaulatan Rakjat 14 November 1945
4 Halaman
Translasi Kedaulatan Rakjat 14 November 1945
3 Halaman
Cuplikan dokumen transkrip dan translasi
Transkrip Kedaulatan Rakjat, 14 November 1945
Ulung Tiada Taranya
Bagaimana pun dibolak-balik Inggris dan negeri-negeri imperialis tetangganya seperti Perancis, Belanda, dll. tentu tidak akan melepaskan politik jajahannya. Bahkan sebaliknya, politik terhadap jajahan tentu akan diperhebat, karena habis perang ini Inggris mendapat kerusakan yang hebat, hutangnya bertumpuk-tumpuk. Untuk mengembalikan hutang-hutangnya dan untuk memperbaiki segala kerusakan negerinya, tidak ada lain jalan dari pada melakukan pemerasan lebih ngeri lagi kepada tanah-tanah jajahannya, sebab kalau tidak demikian tidak mungkin Inggris bisa bangun kembali.
Kita masih ingat Perang Candu di Tiongkok, pembunuhan secara besar-besaran di India, di Afrika, Australia, dll. Berapa juta rakyat di negeri-negeri itu dibunuh, mati kelaparan, perang saudara sama saudara karena dihasut-hasut oleh Inggris. Di Australia umpamanya, dulu penduduk aslinya lebih 1.000.000 (1 juta) orang, tetapi kini kira-kira tinggal 60.000. Karena apa? Karena sengaja dianiaya, diperas, dan ditindas, hingga akhirnya tinggal 6% saja yang sekarang masih hidup. Lebih menyedihkan lagi kalau dipikirkan bahwa jumlah penduduk itu mestinya makin lama makin berlipat ganda. Penduduk kepulauan-kepulauan New Zealand, Oceania, Tasmania, Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia, dll. kepulauan kecil-kecil di Lautan Teduh hampir sama sekali hilang karena mati teraniaya dan tertindas.
Kini, waktu ini, kita rakyat Indonesia merasakan sendiri bagaimana licinnya tipu-muslihat Inggris. Dalam melakukan kewajibannya sebagai wakil Sekutu, Inggris mempergunakan kesempatan yang sebaik-baiknya untuk menolong temannya, teman imperialis Belanda untuk kembali menjajah Indonesia.
Perjanjian-perjanjian tentara penduduk[an] Inggris dan pihak Indonesia, selalu dilanggar-langgar oleh Inggris dan senantiasa memberikan keterangan yang berupa fitnahan kepada dunia luar. Keterangan-keterangan itu selalu berat sebelah, pihak Indonesia selalu di pihak yang salah, dituduh-tuduh dan selanjutnya diancam-ancam.
Dengarkanlah suara Inggris, instruksi Inggris kepada opsir-opsirnya. Tiap-tiap opsir Inggris dalam sakunya menyimpan selembar surat yang berisi instruksi, antara lain berbunyi:
To achieve the establishment of law and order it will be necessary to use in suppressing crime, including mob violence, attamps [attacks?] on life, and looting.
Translation of Kedaulatan Rakjat, 14 November 1945
Extraordinarily Superior
Whatever will be, British and the neighboring imperialist countries such as France, the Netherlands, etc. certainly will not release their colony’s countries. Even vice versa, the political stranglehold to the colonial countries would be intensified, as the consequence of the wars, British were severely damaged, their debts piling up. To restore their debt and to repair any damage to their country, there is no other way than to extort more severe to their colonies, otherwise it would have been impossible for England to rebuild their country.
We still remember the Opium War in China, massive massacre in India, in Africa, Australia, etc, How many millions of people in these lands are killed, starved to death, civil war occurred because of being instigated by the British. In Australia, for example, the native inhabitant population was more than 1.000.000 (1 million) people, but it is now about 60.000 only.
Because of what? Because they were deliberately persecuted, blackmailed and oppressed, until finally only 6% survive. It is even more sad to think, that the number of people should have multiplied more and more. The inhabitants of the islands of New Zealand, Oceania, Tasmania, Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia, etc, all the small islands of the Pacific Oceans are almost extinct from being persecuted and oppressed.
Now, this time, we as the people of Indonesia have felt ourselves on how the British fraudulent tricks. In performing their duties as the Allied representative, the British used the best opportunity to help their friend, the imperialist friend, the Dutch, to re-colonize Indonesia.
Every treaty between the British occupation troops and the Indonesian, was always violated by the British and they always gave slanderous information to the world. Their statements are always one-sided, the Indonesian side is always on the wrong side, always accused of being guilty and then threatened.
Listen to their voice, the British instruction to their officers. Each of British officer kept a letter of instruction on their pocket, which is written as follows:
To achieve the establishment of law and order it will be necessary to use in suppressing crime, including mob violence, attamps [attacks?] on life, and looting. If you have to schoot [shoot?], than shoot to kill, and make sure that your fire is strictly controlled.