Tewasnya Mallaby

Buku Teks: Sejarah Nasional Indonesia

Halaman 189-192

Perundingan selesai pada tanggal 30 Oktober 1945. Presiden Soekarno dan Jenderal D.C.Hawthorn meninggalkanSurabaya pada pukul 13.00 hari itu juga. Dalam perundingan tersebut juga disepakati nama-nama anggota Kontak Biro dari kedua belah pihak. Dari pihak Inggris lima orang, yakni Brigadier A.W.S. Mallaby, Kolonel L.H.O. Pugh, Wing Commander Groom, Mayor M. Hubson, dan Kapten H. Shaw. Dari pihak Indonesia Sembilan orang, yakni, Residen Sudirman, Doel Arnowo, Atmaji, Mohammad, Soengkono, Soeyono, Koesnandar, Roeslan Abdulgani, dan T.D. Kundan sebagai juru bahasa.

Sementara itu, di beberapa tempat masih terjadi pertempuran, sekalipun sudah diumumkan gencatan senjata. Oleh karena itu, para anggota Kontak Biro dari kedua belah pihak mendatangi tempat-tempat tersebut dengan maksud menghentikan pertempuran setempat-setempat itu. Pada pukul 17.00, tanggal 30 Oktober 1945, seluruh anggota Kontak Biro pergi bersama-sama menuju beberapa tempat.

Tempat yang terakhir adalah Gedung Bank Internatio, di Jembatan Merah. Gedung ini masih diduduki oleh pasukan Inggris, dan pemuda-pemuda masih mengepungnya. Setibanya di tempat ini terjadi insiden. Pemuda-pemuda menuntut agar pasukan Mallaby menyerah. Mallaby tidak dapat menerima tuntutan itu. Tiba-tiba terdengar tembakan gencar dari dalam gedung yang dilakukan oleh pasukan Inggris. Pemuda-pemuda membalas. Di tengah-tengah keributan dan kekacauan itu para anggota Kontak Biro mencari perlindungan sendiri-sendiri. Mallaby menjadi sasaran para pemuda. Dia ditusuk dengan bayonet dan bambu runcing. Pengawal-pengawal melarikan diri. Mallaby terbunuh.

Dengan terbunuhnya Brigadier Mallaby, pihak Inggris menuntut pertanggungjawaban. Pada tanggal 31 Oktober 1945 Jenderal Christison, Panglima AFNEI memperingatkan kepada rakyat Surabaya agar mereka menyerah, apabila tidak mereka akan dihancurleburkan.

“Subsequently these Indonesian broke the truce which had been agreed in presence of Ir. Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta and foully murdered Brigadier Mallaby, who had game to parley with them.”

Kontak Biro Indonesia mengumumkan bahwa kematian Mallaby adalah akibat kecelakaan, tidak dapat dipastikan apakah akibat tembakan rakyat atau tembakan dari tentaranya sendiri.


Poesponegoro, M.D. & Notosusanto, N. (2010). Sejarah Nasional Indonesia VI. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka

Pages 189-192

The negotiations were completed on October 30, 1945. President Soekarno and General D.C. Hawthorn left Surabaya at 13.00 that very day. In the negotiations also agreed on the names of members of the Contact Bureau from both parties. From the British side were five persons, namely Brigadier A.W.S. Mallaby, Colonel L.H.O. Pugh, Wing Commander Groom, Major M. Hubson, and Captain H. Shaw. From the Indonesian side were nine persons, namely Resident Sudirman, Doel Arnowo, Atmaji, Mohammad, Soengkono, Soeyono, Koesnandar, Roeslan Abdulgani, and T.D.Kundan as an interpreter.

Meanwhile, the fighting still occurred in some places, despite the announcement of a ceasefire. Therefore, the Contact Bureau members from both sides came to these places in order to stop the fighting. At 05.00 pm, on October 30, 1945, all members of the Contact Bureau went together to several places.

The last place is the Internatio Bank Building, at the Jembatan Merah (Red Bridge). The building was still occupied by British troops, and the youth of Surabaya still surrounded it. When arrived at this place, then happened the incident. The youths demanded that the Mallaby troops surrender. Mallaby could not accept the charges.Suddenly there was a fierce gunfire from inside the building by British troops. The youth retaliate the gunfire. In the midst of the commotion and chaos, the Contact Bureau members seek their own protection. Mallaby became the target of the youth. He was stabbed with bayonets and sharpened bamboo. His guardian escaped. Mallaby was killed.

With the death of Brigadier Mallaby, the British demanded responsibility. On October, 31, 1945, General Christison, the Commander of AFNEI warned the Surabaya people to surrender, otherwise they would destroyed.
“Subsequently these Indonesian broke the truce which had been agreed in presence of Ir. Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta and foully murdered Brigadier Mallaby, who had game to parley with them.”

The Indonesian Contact Bureau members announced that Mallaby’s death was a result of an accident, it can not be determined whether it was a result of a shot from the Indonesian people or shot from his own troops.


Poesponegoro, M.D. & Notosusanto, N. (2010). National History of Indonesia VI. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka