Tewasnya Mallaby

Dokumen: Kesaksian Ruslan Abdulgani

Transkrip Kesaksian Ruslan Abdulgani
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Translasi Kesaksian Ruslan Abdulgani
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Kisah Terbunuhnya Jenderal Mallaby
Oleh: Ruslan Abdulgani

(Dimuat secara bersambung dalam harian “Surabaya Post” dari tanggal 25 Oktober 1973 s.d 9 November 1973; diterbitkan dalam bentuk buku pada tahun 1974 dengan judul “Seratus Hari di Surabaya yang Menggemparkan Indonesia”)

Selesai perundingan siang hari itu, maka sekira pukul 13.00 siang Bung Karno cs dan Jenderal Hawthorn cs berangkat kembali ke Jakarta. Dengan selamat mereka dapat kita antarkan ke lapangan terbang Morokrembangan, di tengah-tengah tembakan yang di sana sini masih terjadi.

Kontak biro segera bersidang di kantor Gubernuran. Kini tidak di kamar kerja Pak Surio tetapi di kamar kerja Pak Sudirman. Rapat dimulai kira-kira pukul 15.00 lebih, dan menunjuk Kapten Shaw dan saya masing-masing selaku Sekretaris bersama dari kontak biro. Karena “counterpart” saya adalah seorang kapten, maka sejak itu saya mendapat pangkat “kapten” tituler dalam hirarki TRIP (Tentara Republik Indonesia Pelajar) dan TKR.

Masalah pokok yang segera harus dipecahkan ialah bagaimana mengefektifkan perjanjian gencatan senjata siang tadi. Sebab sekalipun semalam tanggal 29 Oktober Bung Karno sudah mengumumkan adanya persetujuan gencatan senjata, dan radio-radio kita serta radio Bung Tomo siang tadi terus-menerus mengumumkan hasil persetujuan Bung Karno dan Jenderal Hawthorn, namun harus dipahami bahwa pemuda dan rakyat kita yang sedang mengepung pasukan-pasukan Inggris tidak dapat diharapkan segera menangkap pemberitaan itu. Memang di beberapa tempat suasana sudah agak mereda, namun di Gedung Lindeteves dekat Jembatan Semut dan di Gedung Internatio dekat Jembatan Merah laporan-laporan terus datang tentang belum meredanya keadaan.

Dengan bulat Kontakbiro mengambil keputusan untuk mendatangi sendiri kedua tempat itu. Jelasnya seluruh anggota Kontakbiro yang sedang berapat akan segera pergi bersama ke kedua tempat tersebut dan akan menyelesaikan penghentian tembak menembak di tempat.

Kurang lebih pukul 5 sore kita semua dengan 8 mobil berderet-deret menuju ke Gedung Lindeteves dulu. Ternyata di situ tembak menembak sudah berhenti. Segera kita meneruskan perjalanan ke Gedung Internatio.

Di situlah sore hari Selasa tanggal 30 Oktober terjadi suatu malapetaka, yang menentukan jalannya sejarah Kota Surabaya dan juga jalannya perjuangan kemerdekaan kita di seluruh Indonesia.

The Narration of the Death of General Mallaby
By: Ruslan Abdulgani

(Published serially in the daily of “Surabaya Post” from 25 October 1973 to 9 November 1973; and then published as a book in 1974 with the title “The Hundred Days in Surabaya that Shook Indonesia”)
After negotiations were concluded during the day, then at around 1:00 pm, the entourage of Bung Karno and General Hawthorn departed back to Jakarta. We could safely escort them to the Morokrembangan airfield, in the midst of gunfire in some area.

The Contact Bureau immediately convened in the Governor’s office. This time not take place in Mr. Surio office room but in the Mr. Sudirman office. The meeting began at about 3:00 pm, and has appointed me and Captain Shaw as joint secretary of Contact Bureau. Because of my “counterpart” is a captain, I have got “captain” rank since that time, in the hierarchy of TRIP (Tentara Republik Indonesia Pelajar/Student Army of the Republic Indonesia) and TKR (Tentara Keamanan Rakyat/People’s Peace-keeping Army).

The main problem which had to be solved quickly was how to make effective the terms of the cease-fire agreed earlier. For even though on October 29 night Bung Karno had announced a ceasefire agreement, and our radios and Bung Tomo [rebel] radios had constantly announced the approval of Bung Karno and General Hawthorn, but it must be understood that our youth’s and people’s who were besieginig British troops could not be expected to capture the news immediately. Report continued to come in, that the situation was still unstable at Lindeteves Building near the Jembatan Semut (The Ant Bridge) and the Internatio Building near the Jembatan Merah (The Red Bridge).

Unanimously the members of the Contact Bureau, which was in session, decided to visit two places together, and to promote ceasefire on that place.

At about in 5:00 pm, in a convoy of 8 cars we first drove to the Lindeteves Building. It was clear that firing had ceased there. We quickly continue our journey to the Internatio Building.
In that place, on Tuesday afternoon of October 30, 1945 happened a disaster that decided the course of the history of Surabaya and also the course of our freedom struggle throughout Indonesia.

General Mallaby was killed near the building. Until recently there are a lot of mazy information about the murder of General Mallaby. It would be difficult to determine clearly