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Dokumen: Kesaksian DHD 45
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8. Kesaksian Soetadji
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Transkrip dan Translasi Kesaksian Soetadji
Transkrip Kesaksian Soetadji
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Translasi Kesaksian Soetadji
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DHD 7 No. 068/IX/A/1945/1976
Surabaya, 9 Januari 1970
Kepada Yth.
Jl. Sumatra 31
Dengan hormat,
Menyambut permintaan saudara lewat harian Daily News tertanggal 8 Januari 1970 tentang peristiwa pengibaran bendera Belanda diatas Oranje Hotel 1945 kami dapat menuturkan sebagai berikut:
Ketika terjadi peristiwa pengibaran bendera Belanda (Vlag-Incident) pada tanggal 19 September 1945, kira-kira jam 11.00 pagi kami selaku Sekretaris Residen Surabaya R. Sudirman dapat laporan telepon bahwa seorang Indo Belanda bernama Mr. Ploegman terbunuh.
Pada waktu itu Mr. Ploegman tersebut mengibarkan bendera Belanda: Merah Putih Biru disebelah atas gedung Oranje Hotel bagian depan.
Pengibaran bendera Belanda Merah Putih Biru ini yang oleh rakyat diartikan akan dikembalikan penjajahan menimbulkan kemarahan Rakyat Surabaya.
Segera setelah menerima laporan, Bapak Residen Sudirman dan kami serta Komisaris Polisi Budiman Rahardjo datang ketempat insiden tersebut di Oranje Hotel.
Disitu ketemu dengan Komandan Kempetai, dengan siapa Bapak Residen Sudirman bertukar pikiran dan mempertimbangkan tindakan apa yang kiranya perlu diambil untuk dapat menentramkan kembali rakyat yang telah marah itu.
Komandan Kempetai ternyata bersikap takut dan tidak berani berbuat apa-apa. Kemudian Bapak Residen Sudirman menyatakan pada kami bahwa beliau ingin berbicara langsung pada rakyat banyak yang sedang marah itu dan bersenjatakan beberapa macam alat antara lain tongkat-tongkat, potongan-potongan besi dan sebagainya.
DHD 7 No. 068/IX/A/1945/1976
Surabaya, 9 January 1970
Dear brothers
The directors of Angkatan ‘45 in East Java
31 Sumatra Street
With respect,
Responding to your request on Daily News dated January 8, 1970 related to the flag incident at the Oranje Hotel in 1945, we can testify as follow:
When the Dutch flag raising incident (vlag-incident) took place on 19 September 1945, at around 11.00 am, I served as the secretary of the Resident of Surabaya, Mr Sudirman, I received a report by phone that a Dutch Indo-European named Mr Ploegman was killed.
At that time Mr Ploegman has raised the Dutch flag: red-white-blue flag, at the top of the front of Oranje Hotel building.
This Dutch flag raising was interpreted by the people as the return of the colonial power, thus causing the anger of the people of Surabaya.
As soon as I received the message, I accompanied Mr Resident of Surabaya and the police commissioner of Surabaya, Budiman Rahardjo, I came to the scene of the incident.
There we met the Kempateai [Japanese Military Police] commander, with him which Mr Resident of Surabaya exchanged ideas and considered what actions would be necessary to reassure the angry people.
The commander of Kempetai turned out to be afraid and did not dare to do anything about the incident. Then Mr. Resident of Surabaya told us that he wanted to speak directly to the angry people and they were carry weapons in the form of sticks, pieces of iron, etc.
We headed toward Mr. Resident Sudirman car which was parked at the corner of Embong Malang Street, Tunjungan, in front of store called Restu.
We climbed onto the car radiator and told the people who were huddled around the place, we asked them to be calm and quiet because Mr. Sudirman would speak.