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Dokumen: Kesaksian DHD 45

7. Kesaksian Soebowo

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Transkrip dan Translasi Kesaksian Soebowo

Transkrip Kesaksian Soebowo
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Translasi Kesaksian Soebowo
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DHD 7 No. 065/IX/A/1945/1976

Pada hari tersebut tanggal 28 September 1945 saya kebetulan perlu pergi ke arah Tunjungan. Berhubung pada waktu itu tidak ada kendaraan bermotor yang hanya dipakai oleh orang Jepang pada umumnya, maka saya pakai sebuah sepeda.
Pada kira jam setengah sepuluh pagi saya keluar dari kantor di Jalan Alun-Alun. Seorang teman saudari Alifah yang bekerja di Hotel Yamato (Oranje Hotel) datang dari rumah di Jalan Johar untuk pergi ke pekerjaannya. Oleh karena kita satu arah maka ia saya boncengkan.

Antara di prapatan Jalan Genteng kita melihat berapa pemuda membawa anak tangga dan disandarkan di tembok luifel [kanopi] Hotel Yamato. Sehari sebelumnya para wakil dari Sekutu rupanya telah menaikkan bendera Belanda diatas hotel tersebut, entah untuk provokasi kita atau untuk mencoba bagaimana tanggapan rakyat Indonesia. Akan tetapi Bung Tomo mengalarmir kita via Radio Pemberontakannya dan pemuda-pemuda sudah bikin rencana untuk menurunkannya pada esok harinya. Laskar-laskar rakyat dari arah Embong Malang sudah mulai maju ke arah Tunjungan. Pemuda SOENARJO c.s naik tangga dan diatas atap hotel. Lalu naik tiang bendera dan ia merobek birunya dari bendera tersebut. Lalu ia turun kembali ke bawah. Peristiwa tersebut terjadi hanya dalam sekedap mata saja tanpa banyak orang yang menyaksikan. Dua regu laskar pemuda bambu runcing datang dari arah selatan.

Setelah kita menyaksikan insiden itu, maka saudari Alifah masuk ke dalam hotel itu dan saya meneruskan jalan saja. Di dalam ruang tamu hotel ada berapa orang asing yang hanya melonggo melihat tindakan para pemuda.
Bersamaan juga terjadi insiden lain. Dari rumah halaman dimuka hotel tersebut berkumpul berapa orang Indo Belanda yang rupanya tawanan Jepang. Mereka ini yang masih mengharapkan pemerintah Belanda kembali di Indonesia, menjadi marah dan rupanya tidak terima. Seorang Indo Belanda Mr. Ploegman (?) sebagai pimpinannya tampil kemuka untuk menghalang-halangi hal tersebut. Laskar pemuda yang datang kemudian dari segala jurusan, juga tidak tinggal diam. Indo Belanda itu terus diganyang oleh pemuda-pemuda dan menemui ajalnya ditempat itu.

Sayang sekali bahwa saudara SOENARIO telah meninggal dunia gugur dalam pertempuran clash kedua. Ia dimakamkan di Taman Pahlawan di Mojokerto.


DHD 7 No. 065/IX/A/1945/1976
The Incident of tearing the Dutch flag

On that day, on September 28, 1945, I happened to need to go to Tunjungan. Since at that time there was no motor vehicle, which was generally only used by the Japanese, then I ride a bicycle.
At about nine-thirty in the morning, I went out from my office which was located on Alun-alun Street. A friend of mine, Alifah, who at that time worked at Yamato Hotel (Oranje Hotel). She left her house on Johar Street to go to work. Because we went to the same direction, then she ride on my bicycle with me.

Around the intersection of Genteng Street we saw some young men carrying ladder and then it was propped against the Yamato Hotel canopy wall. It turned out that the day before, the Allies forces representatives have raised the Dutch flag over the Yamato Hotel, either for provocation or to try to get the reaction of the Indonesian people. However Bung Tomo has warned us through his Rebel Radio and the youngster have made plans to lower the flag on the next day. The people’s paramilitary troops from the direction of Embong Malang street has started to move towards the Tunjungan Street. A youth, named Soenarjo, climbed the ladder and arrived on the roof top of the hotel. Then to the flagpole and he tore off the blue part of the Dutch flag. Then he went downstairs. The event occurred as fast as in the blink of an eye, without many people watching. Two squads of paramilitary troops armed with sharpened bamboo coming from the south.

After witnessing the incident, the Alifah went inside the hotel and I just went on. In the hotel foyer, there were foreigner people just gape at the youth’s action.

At the same time another incident occurred. From the front of the hotel, gathered some Dutch Indo-European who were the former Japanese prisoners of war. They, who were still expecting the Dutch government back in Indonesia, became angry and apparently not received that incident. The youngsters who have come from all directions also did not remain silent. Then the Dutch Indo-European was devoured by the youth to the death in that place.

Unfortunately that Sunarjo has been killed in a battle on the clash [Dutch military action]. He was buried in the Hero Graves in Mojokerto.

Alifah (now become Mrs.Hernadi) also can tell that events and justify my testimony. If I am not mistaken, her address is at 5 Sawunggaling Street, Surabaya.