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Dokumen: Kesaksian DHD 45

6.Kesaksian Muljadi

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Transkrip dan Translasi Kesaksian Muljadi

Transkrip Kesaksian Muljadi
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Translasi Kesaksian Muljadi
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DHD 7 No. 064/IX/A/1945/1976

Yth. K e p a d a :
Bapak Komandan Leguim Veteran
Jawa Timur. Jl. Sumatra.-
S u r a b a y a.-

Perihal: Laporan Peristiwa Bendera
Tiga Warna di Hotel Yamato
Jl. Tunjungan Surabaya.-

L A P O R A N L E N G K A P.
Kami yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini kami:
Nama : S. Muljadi
Umur : 47 tahun
Pekerjaan : P.T. Semen Gersik
Alamat : Perumahan Semen Gersik di Gersik

Bukannya kami akan menonjolkan jasa perjuangan kami pada waktu tahun 1945, kami melaporkan atas dasar panggilan Bapak Komandan Leguim Veteran Jawa Timur pada tanggal 20 Desember 1969, dengan melalui siaran Radio dan surat kabar harian yang terbit di Kota Surabaya, maka kami berkewajiban untuk melaporkan dengan sungguh-sungguh atas dasar sumpah kami, mengenai peristiwa Penurunan Bendera Tiga Warna (Merah Putih Biru) pada tanggal 19 September tahun 1945, dengan jelas peristiwa tersebut kami ungkapkan sebagai berikut.

Pada tanggal tersebut diatas tahun 1945 jam 12.00 siang, kami sama kawan yang bernama Agus Salim (a) Suharto sekarang bekerja di Panataran Angkatan Laut (P.A.L) tempat tinggal sekarang di Jalan Prapanca Surabaya, waktu itu kami membawa Radio sengaja akan direparasi di Genteng Surabaya, waktu kami melalui di Jalan Tunjungan, kami melihat sekelompok orang berjejal-jejal di muka Toko WITWAY [White Away & Co.] sekarang Toko SIOLA.

DHD 7 No. 064/IX/A/1945/1976

To his excellency:
The Commander of the Veteran Legion
East Java Sumatera Street,-

Subject: Report of the flag incident
The three colour at Yamato Hotel
Tunjungan Street, Surabaya,-
Full Report
The undersigned below:
Name : S. Muljadi
Age : 47
Occupation : Employee of the Semen Gresik
Address : Housing of the Semen Gresik in Gresik

I do not intend to accentuate the role of my struggle in 1945, I made this report based on the announcement of the Commander of Veteran Legion of East Java on December 20, 1969, through radio broadcast and daily newspaper published in Surabaya. So I am obliged to report earnestly on the basis of my oath, regarding the flag incident of the three-colour (red-white-blue) on 19 September 1945, I revealed the event clearly as follows.

On that date above, 1945, at 12 noon, I was with my friend, Agus Salim (a) Suharto, who is currently working at Penataran Angkatan Laut (P.A.L) and living in Prapanca Street Surabaya. At that time we were carrying a radio that would be repaired at Genteng Street, Surabaya. While passing through the Tunjungan Street, we saw a group of people flocking in the front of Witway Shop [White Away & Co], now called the Siola Shop. The attention of the people was addressed to a group of Dutch people who gathered in front of the Yamato Hotel, now named Tunjungan Hotel. Then we looked closely at the top of the hotel, there was a Dutch